World J Surg DOI 10.1007/s00268-014-2524-0

Risk Estimator for Adrenal Tumor Functionality Claire Sadler • Melanie Goldfarb

Ó Socie´te´ Internationale de Chirurgie 2014

Abstract Background Adrenal lesions are a common imaging finding with a prevalence approaching 10 %. Although guidelines recommend dedicated laboratory tests to rule out tumor functionality, many patients never undergo this workup. This study investigates the use of demographic and clinical variables to create an easy scoring system for predicting adrenal tumor functionality (functional adrenal tumors, or FATs). Methods Altogether, 2,807 patients in the NSQIP 2005–2010 database underwent adrenalectomy as their principal operation and had a postoperative diagnosis consistent with an adrenal lesion/disorder. Patients were divided into two groups based on a postoperative diagnosis consistent with tumor functionality. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to identify specific predictors of FATs and for Cushing’s, Conn’s, or pheochromocytoma. Results Overall, 13.2 % (n = 402) of adrenalectomies performed were for FATs. Patients with a FAT were younger (age \40, p \ 0.01), overweight (BMI [ 30 kg/ m2, p \ 0.01), hypertensive (p \ 0.001). They also had elevated white blood cells (WBC [ 11, p \ 0.001), serum creatinine (Cr [ 1.25 mg/dl, p \ 0.001), and sodium (Na [ 143 mmol/L, p \ 0.001). On multivariate regression, patients with these characteristics were 20.53 times Presented at the 84th Annual Pacific Coast Surgical Meeting, Kauai, Hawaii, February 17, 2013. C. Sadler  M. Goldfarb (&) Division of Breast/Soft Tissue and Endocrine Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, 1510 San Pablo Street, Suite 412 k, Los Angeles, CA 90033, USA e-mail: [email protected]

(CI 15.79–25.27) more likely to have a FAT (model c-statistic 0.634, CI 0.605–0.663; Hosmer–Lemeshow test (H–L), p = 0.035). Patients who were younger (p \ 0.001), female (p \ 0.001), diabetic (p = 0.07), overweight (p = 0.027), with elevated WBCs (p \ 0.001) and lower Cr (p \ 0.001) were 63.62 times (CI 58.03–69.21) more likely to have Cushing’s (model c-statistic 0.685, CI 0.648–0.722; H–L p = 0.954). Conclusions After external validation, this risk estimator might be used to quantify the probability of tumor functionality in patients with incidental adrenal masses. Although predictive power may be limited, it helps identify patients at high risk for FATs that need more urgent referral to a specialist.

Introduction Incidentally discovered adrenal lesions, or adrenal incidentalomas (AIs), are an increasingly common finding. With the increasing use of computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to investigate almost any abdominal complaint, the reported prevalence of these lesions now approaches 5 % and reaches 10 % in older individuals [1–7]. Although the majority of AIs are benign, many produce subclinically elevated amounts of hormones [8, 9]. Left untreated, these ‘‘subclinical’’ functional tumors, where patients produce excess levels of hormones without recognizable pathology, are associated with increased morbidity [4, 6, 10–12]. However, with the exception of overt pheochromocytomas, these functional tumors, unlike a primary adrenal malignancy or metastatic tumor, do not demonstrate any distinct radiographic findings. Therefore, current guidelines recommend that all


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patients with an AI undergo a complete endocrine evaluation to rule out any tumor functionality [13–15]. Despite these published recommendations from both medical and surgical endocrine societies, many patients with AIs fail to receive an endocrinology referral or undergo the appropriate workup by a clinician with adrenal tumor experience. This is especially true when AIs are detected in an emergency room or acute setting and not uncommonly at large public hospitals. Many adrenal lesions are not even reported [3]. This may be due to other, more pressing concerns at the time, angst and therefore dismissal by the patient, or a patient not being made aware of the diagnosis. The purpose of this study is therefore to develop an easy clinical scoring system that can be used in emergency and primary care settings to identify patients at highest risk for a functional adrenal tumor (FAT).

Methods Data retrieval The general approach and methods of data collection for the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS-NSQIP) database are described elsewhere [16, 17]. The ACS-NSQIP collects data from trained surgical clinical reviewers and includes preoperative, operative, and postoperative variables for 30 days following the procedure. All cases in the ACS-NSQIP 2005–2010 participant use file that documented adrenalectomy as the principal operation (current procedural terminology codes 60540 and 60650) and had a postoperative diagnosis—using international classification of disease (ICD-9) codes—consistent with an adrenal lesion or disorder were identified (Table 1). A total of 2,807 subjects were included in the final statistical analysis. Patients were divided into two groups based on tumor functionality: Patients with a postoperative diagnosis of Conn’s syndrome, Cushing’s syndrome, or pheochromocytoma were categorized as having functional adrenal tumors (FATs). All other neoplasms were classified as nonfunctional. Some variables that were not analyzable using a binary code were regrouped and classified as follows based on published literature or standard reference ranges: diabetes (none versus oral medication/insulin), dyspnea (none versus any), anesthesia technique (general versus other), young age (B45 years), American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) class I/II (mild) and class III/IV (severe), elevated creatinine (Cr [ 1.25 mg/dl), elevated sodium (Na [ 143 mmol/ L), elevated white blood cell count (WBC [ 11 9 109/L), low hematocrit (Hct B 36.0 %), and low alkaline phosphatase (AP) (AP \ 150 IU/L). All wound infections were


grouped into one category. Laboratory cutoff values are based on previously identified cutoffs for abnormal values that can be seen in adrenal dysfunction [18, 19]. The BMI was calculated from height and weight variables, with ‘‘obese’’ defined as BMI [ 30 kg/m2. Missing laboratory values were not imputed. Statistical analysis Preoperative laboratory values, demographics, and comorbidities were compared between the FAT and nonfunctional groups. Univariate analysis was performed to identify specific predictors of FAT and for the specific FAT syndromes: Cushing’s, Conn’s, and pheochromocytoma. Categoric variables were analyzed using Pearson’s v2 test and continuous variables with the Mann–Whitney U test. A complete multivariate regression model was constructed for FAT and each FAT syndrome using only patients with complete data. We first entered all demographic and preoperative values into a forward logistic regression. A reduced model was then generated that included only variables that were statistically significant (p \ 0.05). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and the Hosmer–Lemeshow (H–L) test were used to assess model quality. Then c-statistics were abstracted from ROC curves to assess for discriminative ability of the model, with a higher c-statistic indicating a better ability of the model to distinguish functional and nonfunctional adrenal tumor groups. A higher H–L result indicated better calibration of the model, meaning that the predicted probabilities agree with the outcomes. A simple scoring system derived from the slope, or log-odds of the reduced model was created by multiplying each log-odds by 2 and then rounding to the Table 1 International statistical classification of diseases and healthrelated problems, 9th revision (ICD-9) codes utilized 194.0: Malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland

255.5: Other adrenal hypofunction

227.0: Benign neoplasm of adrenal gland 237.2 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of adrenal gland

255.6: Medulloadrenal hyperfunction 255.8: Other specified disorders of adrenal glands

239.7: Neoplasm of uncertain nature of endocrine glands

255.9: Unspecified disorder of adrenal glands

255.0: Cushing’s syndrome

258.0: Polyglandular activity in multiple endocrine adenomatosis 276.8: Hypopotassemia

255.1: Hyperaldosteronism 255.2: Adrenogenital disorders

401.0: Malignant essential hypertension

255.3: Other corticoadrenal overactivity

401.9: Unspecified essential hypertension

255.4: Corticoadrenal insufficiency

759.1: Anomalies of adrenal gland

13.8 % (8)

19 % (11)


14.3 % (8)

20.7 % (12)

18 % (11)

78.7 % (48)

32.8 % (20)

33.3 % (20)**

** p \ 0.05 and * p \ 0.01 compared to the overall cohort

AP alkaline phosphatase, BMI body mass index, Cr creatinine, Hct hematocrit, Pheo pheochromocytoma, WBC white blood cell count

16.1 % (22) 16.6 % (29) NS 17.5 % (392) Hct \ 36 %

16.5 % (62)

35 % (48)* 5.2 % (9)* \0.001 10.7 % WBC [ 11 9 109/L

17.4 %*

6.5 % (6) 1.2 % (1) NS 3.6 % (48) :AP

3.5 % (8)

6.7 % (9)

20 % (27) 19.3 % (34)

26.7 % (48)* \0.001

0.004 19.5 % (73)*

Cr [ 1.25 mg/dl

17.8 % (67)*

13.7 % (305)

10.8 % (239)

Na [ 143 mmol/L

19 % (458) Diabetes on meds

Laboratory values

70.1 % (103)

27.9 % (41)* 19.7 % (37)

95.2 % (179)*


\0.001 70.5 % (1,695) Hypertension on meds

83.1 % (334)*

46.2 % (1,100) BMI [ 30 kg/m2

22.9 % (92)

61.2 % (90)* 54.5 % (102)** 0.004

30.1 % (724) Age \45 years

54 % (216)*

60 % (36) 84.4 % (124)*

51 % (75)* 29.8 % (56)

48.4 % (91)* NS


63.5 % (1,523) Female sex

38.6 % (155)

Nonfunctional n = 2,405 (85.7 %)

64.1 % (257)

nearest whole digit number. The scoring system was compared to the logistic regression model using the ROC curves. All statistical analyses used two-sided tests and were conducted using SPSS software, version 20.0 (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA).



Table 2 Demographics of functional versus nonfunctional tumors

Functional n = 402 (14.3 %)


Conn’s n = 188

Cushing’s n = 147

Pheo n = 61

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Among 2807 patients who underwent adrenalectomy for a primary adrenal tumor, 402 (14.3 %) of the tumors were FATs. Patients with a FAT were more likely young (p \ 0.01), obese (p \ 0.01), and hypertensive (p \ 0.001) with elevated WBC count (p \ 0.001), serum Cr (p \ 0.001), and serum Na (p \ 0.001) (Table 2). A complete multiple regression model was created that included all significant or nearly significant variables (p \ 0.05) in the univariate analysis. In all, 2424 patients had sufficiently complete data to be included in this portion of analysis. Forward regression resulted in six variables for use in modeling (Table 3). The model demonstrated moderate discriminative ability but poor calibration: c-statistic 0.634, CI 0.605–0.663; H–L, p = 0.035). When BMI was removed from the model, calibration increased, resulting in a better model (c-statistic 0.631, CI 0.602–0.660; H–L, p = 0.157). Based on this logistic regression model, a simplified scoring system was created (Table 4). When a cutoff point of 4 was used, the model resulted in 91.4 % specificity and 16.3 % sensitivity for predicting FAT. An ROC curve for this model demonstrated good discriminative ability, with a c-statistic of 0.622 (CI 0.592–0.651). A cutoff value of 3 (of 6) produced a model with a sensitivity of 53.7 % and a specificity of 62.8 %, whereas a cutoff value of 5 (of 6) yielded a model with 2.2 % sensitivity and 99.4 % specificity. Compared to the overall cohort, patients with Cushing’s syndrome (n = 147) were more likely female (p \ 0.001), diabetic (p = 0.07), young (p \ 0.001), and obese (p = 0.027) with an elevated WBC count (p \ 0.001) and lower Cr (p \ 0.001) (Table 2). A complete multiple regression model was created including all significant or nearly significant variables (p \ 0.05) in the univariate analysis. Altogether, 2490 patients had sufficiently complete data to be included in this portion of analysis. Forward logistic regression resulted in a pared-down regression model that included age, diabetes, elevated Na, and elevated WBC (Table 5). The model displayed both good discrimination and calibration (c-statistic 0.70, CI 0.650–0.748; H–L, p = 0.787). In contrast, patients with Conn’s syndrome (n = 188) were more likely male (p \ 0.001) and hypertensive (p \ 0.001) with elevated Cr (p \ 0 0.001) (Table 1). A complete multiple regression model including all significant


World J Surg Table 3 Multivariate analysis for adrenal tumor functionality (n = 402) Factor

Odds ratio of being functional

Confidence interval

Age \45 years




BMI [ 30 kg/m2




Hypertension on meds



\ 0.001

WBC [ 11 9 109/L




Cr [ 1.25 mg/dl




Na [ 143 mmol/L




Table 5 Multivariate analyses for Cushing’s syndrome (n = 133) Factor

Odds ratio of being Cushing’s

Confidence interval







Age \45 years old




Elevated Na [ 143 mmol/ dl




WBC [ 11 9 109




Table 6 Multivariate analysis for Conn’s syndrome (n = 180) Factor

Odds ratio of being Conn’s

Confidence interval


Table 4 Scoring system for adrenal tumor functionality Factor


Hypertension requiring medication


Age \45 years


Cr [ 1.25 mg/dl


Na [ 143 mmol/L


WBC [ 11 9 109/L Maximum score

1 6

or nearly significant variables (p \ 0.05) in the univariate analysis was created. In all, 2,574 patients had sufficiently complete data to be included in this portion of analysis. Forward logistic regression resulted in a model that included only hypertension and sex, although because elevated serum Cr had a significance of exactly p = 0.05 it was included in the final model as well (Table 6). This model showed moderate discriminative ability and excellent calibration (c-statistic 0.685, CI 0.648–0.722; H–L, p = 0.954). Patients with pheochromocytoma were less likely to be obese, but no variables were sufficiently significant on multivariate regression to create a predictive model (Table 2).

Discussion Adrenal incidentalomas are a common imaging finding. However, with benign-appearing lesions, ensuring that patients receive an appropriate workup and subsequent follow-up for tumor functionality remains a challenge. Many adrenal tumors are discovered in an emergency room setting or an independent radiology facility, and patients are not made aware of their AI, not referred to an endocrine specialist, or the adrenal lesion is not reported. As failure to treat a FAT can negatively affect patient morbidity, is it important that all patients with an AI undergo hormonal evaluation [10, 11]. The proposed simple, easy-to-use scoring system could help clinicians identify patients most


Male sex



Hypertension on meds Creatinine [1.25 mg/dl








at risk for a FAT and prioritize which patients require a more urgent endocrine referral. The proposed risk estimator uses a cutoff value of 4 (of 6) to produce a model with a sensitivity of 16.3 % and a specificity of 91.4 % for predicting a FAT. As a screening tool, higher specificity is desired with sensitivity sacrificed because clinical guidelines recommend that all patients with an AI should undergo a thorough workup for both functionality and malignancy. The proposed scoring system would thus identify patients most at risk for having a FAT. Ideally, this would prompt a treating clinician to ensure that a referral and/or follow-up is truly obtained once such a patient is identified. In this study, approximately 10 % of patients had a score of C4 and would have been considered to be at high risk for a FAT. In reality, 25 % of these patients had a FAT based on their diagnosis code, which is likely an underestimate of the true number of patients with subclinical FATs. This is due in part to underutilization of FAT diagnosis codes and the composition of patients enrolled in this study (all surgical patients). In clinical practice, the percentage of all AIs identified with a score of C4 would likely be even smaller, making heightened awareness and definitive referral a reasonable objective for any clinical setting. The 14.3 % incidence of FATs in the present study falls at the lower end of the range of FATs reported in the literature [8, 13, 20–22]. Because there is no specific diagnostic code for ‘‘subclinical’’ Cushing’s syndrome or ‘‘subclinical’’ pheochromocytoma, one explanation for this discrepancy may be that only patients with overt clinical signs and symptoms preoperatively were labeled with a

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FAT diagnosis by a surgeon. Hence, those with subclinical FATs were not identified in the present study. If this were true, the addition of more FAT patients would likely produce a stronger model and more robust scoring system. Additionally, the breakdown of FATs in the present study was also somewhat different than that in the reported literature—most likely a result of the population being only surgical patients and the potential underreporting of subclinical disease. Conn’s syndrome was the most common FAT in the current study, comprising 46.7 % of the FATs, although it usually represents only 5–10 % of adrenal tumors [23]. Cushing’s syndrome, normally the most common diagnosis, making up 1–47 % of adrenal tumors in various series, only accounted for 33 % of FATs in the NSQIP data set [4, 8, 9, 23–26]. Lastly, pheochromocytomas made up 15.2 % of the FATs, whereast in some surgical series it is the most common and has been reported to have an overall prevalence of 1–23 % [24, 27–29]. There are several limitations to this study. Subclinical Cushing’s and subclinical pheochromocytoma have no specific diagnostic codes and are not always recognized as important diagnoses outside of the endocrine community. Also, these conditions have no readily identifiable clinical characteristics. Thus, some or all of these tumors may be classified as ‘‘nonfunctional,’’ which would lower the sensitivity for the FAT model. However, the study’s main limitation is patient composition of the NSQIP data set. Because the entire data set was comprised of surgical patients, the present study does not include patients who were appropriately evaluated and determined to have a small, nonfunctional adrenal tumor not requiring surgery, had never undergone an endocrine hormone workup and/or follow-up after documentation of an AI, or who displayed endocrine laboratory results consistent with a subclinical FAT but were not properly referred for surgery according to the most recent guidelines.

Conclusions After external validation, the proposed risk estimator could serve as a quick, easy screening mechanism for patients with a newly discovered AI. Although its predictive power may be limited, it can help identify patients at high risk for FATs who need more urgent referral to an endocrine specialist.

Conflicts of interest Disclosure



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Risk estimator for adrenal tumor functionality.

Adrenal lesions are a common imaging finding with a prevalence approaching 10%. Although guidelines recommend dedicated laboratory tests to rule out t...
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