日 内 分 泌 会 誌.(Foliaendocrinol.jap.)52,11g1∼1201,1g76


原 発 性 ア ル ドス テ ロ ン 症 に お け る ア ル ドス テ ロ ン 分 泌 調 節 な ら び にEpisodicSecretionを

伴 う 血 漿 ア ル ドス テ 『 ロン

の 日 内 リズ ム に つ い て 札幌医科大学第二 内科 (指導:宮 原 光夫 教授) 大

早 知子

Secretory Regulation and Episodic Secretion of Aldosterone in Patients with Primary Aldosteronism Sachiko OHBUCHI and Tadashi MURAKAMI The SecondDepartmentof InternalMedicine,SapporoMedicalCollege, Sapporo,Japan (Director:ProfessorMITSUOMIYAHARA) In nine patients with primary aldosteronism (PA), plasma aldosterone was measured in order to evaluate a role of the renin-angiotensin system, ACTH and potassium in the secretion of aldosterone. The circadian rhythm and the episodic secretion were also studied in three patients. The results were as follows. 1) In seven out of nine patients, plasma aldosterone levels (PAL) decreased after the twohours standing, and it run parallel with plasma cortisol levels (PCL), but not with plasma renin activity (PRA). 2) An intravenous infusion of saline of 2000 ml during four hours failed to suppress PAL in all of five patients and the change of PAL was parallel with that of PCL. 3) PAL decreased markedly after the oral administration of 1 mg of dexamethasone (Dexa), and there was a significantly positive correlation (r=0.898, p

[Secretory regulation and episodic secretion of aldosterone in patients with primary aldosteronism (author's transl)].

日 内 分 泌 会 誌.(Foliaendocrinol.jap.)52,11g1∼1201,1g76 1191 原 発 性 ア ル ドス テ ロ ン 症 に お け る ア ル ドス テ ロ ン 分 泌 調 節 な ら び にEpisodicSecretionを 伴 う 血 漿 ア ル ドス...
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