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TO Communications respecting editorial matters should be addressed THE EDITOR," those concerning business matters of the Gazette., be addressed to the should NEWMAN Messrs. &*c., Publishers, & Co., 4, Dalhoitsie Square, Calcutta. All original articles and reports should be written OH ONE SIDE only of the paper. Communications which reached us too late for insertion in this Number, or those kept over for want of space, 7uill appear, if possible, in our next issue.


Sir,?The re-organization Department, as just published,

of the Subordinate Medical will no doubt be followed by a fresh code of rules for the better working of the internal economy of Station Hospitals in Bengal and its sister Presidencies. Those now in force, are capable of much improvement so as to ensure the better custody and working of these State institutions, in the interests of those connected with them, namely, the officers of the Army Medical Department, the sick European soldier, staff and establishments attached to them. It is no secret that something more is required than ihe present time-honored test in a few professional subjects and familiarity in blank forms, from warrant medical officers, prior to promotion and selection for the important subordinate charge of a Station Hospital, as it does not embrace or exact other and equally important qualifications for so onerous a post. These are such as would not only devolve on the manager of a large executive office, and also on one in disciplinary charge of large bodies of European soldiers and their families, as well as the highly trained staff and establishments His duties are so numerous and important of an hospital. that none but the very best men?duly tested by a special Board of Examiners, and selected accordingly?should be appointed to

them. The scope of the committee could be such as to render its independent opinion a gain to the State, and a benefit to the institutions at large. It may include a searching and patient examination in each of the following subjects : 1 Letter and 6 Army Regulations Pay Code, precis writing. 2 Vol. i. Elementary Hygiene. 3 Bengal Army Regulations. 7 Bengal Barrack Regulations. Do. 8 Transport Regulations. 4 Bengal Medical 5 Bengal Commissariat Code. matters directly and collaterally bearing on the of a Station, Base, or Field Hospital. Other qualifications, bearing on tact, judgment, and kindness to the sick soldier, in word and action, should also be considered in selecting the subordinates for so important a

and such other



as a

Station Hospital.

Subordinate Charge of Station Hospitals.

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