Roentgeno-oddities TRIPLE DENS IN DENTE


. uring routine clinical examination of H 2l-~~r-oltl Claucasian man, it wits noted that the left maxillary central incisor appearc~l to hc malformed ad only partially erupted. X radiograph revealed this tooth to 1~ a well-formed mesiodens which had partially erupted and prevented the eruption of t,he left maxillary central incisor. The radiograph also rcvcaled three separate and distinct examples of dens in dentc within the thrown of the mesiodcns. This case is I)rcscntod l~causc it is uncommon for a mcsiodens to be affected 1)s this condition am1 \ery unusual for any single tooth to exhibit a triple dens in dentcs.

Schofield Barracks. Bawaii


Triple dens in dente.

Roentgeno-oddities TRIPLE DENS IN DENTE D . uring routine clinical examination of H 2l-~~r-oltl Claucasian man, it wits noted that the left maxillar...
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