Short Communication

Hum Hered 1992;42:324-326

Inderjit Kaur

Blood Groups in Relation to

M.K Bhasin

Carcinoma of Cervix Uteri

Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi, Delhi. India

Abstract Data are presented on ABO and RhD blood groups in 186 pa­ tients suffering from carcinoma of cervix uteri and 274 controls from Delhi, India. A strong association is observed between carcinoma patients and blood group A, and a slightly weaker association with blood group B. There is no significant associ­ ation with RhD blood group. The available data in other pop­ ulations confirm the association with ABO blood group.

Introduction The relationship between blood groups and susceptibility to diseases was reported first by Alexander [1], when he observed that B and AB blood groups arc susceptible to vari­ ous forms of neoplasms, while group 0 is more stable and resistant. The association of blood group with female genital cancer was first in­ vestigated by Johannsen [2] who found a higher incidence of cancer in group A, but the results were not statistically significant. Schroder [3] found a strong association be­ tween malignancy of the uterus with group A, and a weaker association with group B. Segi et al. [4] in Japan studied 1,534 patients with can­ cer of the cervix and found a significant associ­

ation with group A. In subsequent years, Hembold [5] and many other workers reported the same trend. A few studies have reported an association between rhesus blood group and cancer of the cervix. Verhagen [6] found a significant associ­ ation between RhD blood group (D + /D -) relative incidence and cancer of the cervix among 54 German patients. In India some studies have been done on the association of cancer of the uterus with blood group [7-11], but, to date, none have been conducted on the population of Delhi. The present study, therefore, is designed to look at the association of ABO and RhD blood groups with carcinoma of cervix uteri in the diseased population of Delhi.

D r. I. K aur D epartm ent o f A nthropology University of Delhi D elhi 110007 (India)

© 1992 S. K arger A G, Basel 0001-5652/92/ 0425-0324 $ 2.75/0

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Key Words Neoplasm Carcinoma of cervix uteri ABO blood groups Rh blood groups

Table 1. The ABO blood group distribution in carcinoma cervix uteri patients and controls


Patients Controls

Number tested 186 274

Relative incidence

Blood groups 0






39 (20.97) 72 (26.28)

76 (40.86) 89 (32.48)

51 (27.42) 95 (34.67)

20(10.75) 18 (6.75)



Figures in parentheses are percentages.

The present study comprised 186 patients with car­ cinoma of cervix uteri admitted to the wards of several hospitals in Delhi. The disease was confirmed histolog­ ically in all the patients. The blood samples underwent serological analysis in the Department of Anthropol­ ogy, University of Delhi, India, following the tech­ niques of Dunsford and Bowlcy [12] and the manufac­ turer’s instructions enclosed with the antisera. 274 females aged 35-60 years of normal health and free from any specific disease were taken as controls. The statistical method recommended by Woolf [13] is used to analyse the data and to calculate the relative incidence from the observed phenotype numbers. The results are compared with the relative incidences re­ ported from other Indian populations.

Results and Discussion The distribution of ABO blood groups in controls and carcinoma patients is shown in table 1. Blood group A shows the highest fre­ quency (40.86%), followed by B (27.42%) in patients, whereas blood group B shows the highest (34.67%) frequency in controls and the next highest is blood group A (32.48%). Relative A/0 incidence is 1.5767 and B/0 in­ cidence is 0.9911, which shows that there is a strong association between blood group A and carcinoma of cervix uteri, and a slightly weaker association with blood group B.

Table 2. Rhesus D blood group distribution in car­ cinoma cervix uteri patients and controls Group

Num- Blood groups ber tested RhD+ RhD-

Relative incidence D + /D -

Patients Controls

186 274


165 (88.71) 21 (11.29) 254 (92.70) 20 (7.30)

Figures in parentheses are percentages.

Table 2 shows the RhD blood group distri­ bution among patients and controls. Fre­ quency of RhD — blood group is high among patients (11.29%) compared to controls (7.30%). The relative D + /D - incidence value is not so high i.e. 0.6187. There are some reports from other parts of India on the association between ABO blood group and carcinoma of cervix uteri (table 3). Women from Calcutta, Bombay and Kanpur show a slightly higher association with group B compared to group A, but the remaining stud­ ies show a higher association with group A as compared to B. A similar observation is made in the present study. Woman with blood group A have a 15% greater probability of acquiring carcinoma of cervix uteri than group 0 women, whereas women with blood group B have a


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Material and Methods

Table 3. Distribution of ABO blood group in studies from India on carcinoma of cervix uteri


Calcutta Gwalior Kanpur Bhopal Bombay Bikaner Delhi



Number tested 521 2,273 150 300 300 6,000 117 100 243 858 208 2,622 186 274

Blood groups

Relative incidence








172 740 30 87 92 1,985 34 48 85 278 49 875 39 72

114 594 66 75 60 1,360 42 21 75 274 77 588 76 89

204 277 48 114 116 2,278 35 23 64 219 69 952 51 95

31 162 6 24 32 377 6 6 19 87 12 207 20 18





















present study

10% greater probability than 0 women. No other study has been reported from the Delhi population so far. There should be some more studies from this particular area to support the present observations.

Acknowledgement The senior author would like to thank the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. New Delhi for supporting this study.



5 Hembold W: Sammelstatistik zur Prüfung auf Korrelationen zwischen dem weiblichen Genitalcarcinoma und dem ABO- und Rhesus-System. Acta Genet Stat Med 1961:11:29-51. 6 Verhagen A: Rh-Faktor bei Karzi­ nompatienten. Z Immunitätsforsch 1951;108:355-356. 7 Gupta P: ABO blood groups and their relationship with cancer of cer­ vix uteri. J Indian Med Assoc 1968; 51:69-71. 8 Mitra S, Mandal S, Basu A: The study of ABO blood groups in cancer of the female genital organs and cancer of the breast. Cancer 1962;15: 39-41. 9 Goohi AM, Kamalpuria SK, Jain PK, Tandon PL: Distribution of blood groups in cancer. Indian J Cancer 1970;7:296-305.


10 Majupuria KC, Gupta LC: The study of ABO blood groups and rela­ tionship with cervix cancer. J Obstet Gynaecol 1966;16:64-65. 11 Jayant K: Relationship of ABO blood groups to certain types of can­ cer common in Western India. Indi­ an J Cancer 1971;8:185-188. 12 Dunsford I, Bowley C: Techniques in Blood Grouping. Edinburgh. Oli­ ver & Boyd, 1967, vol 1. 13 Woolf B: On estimating the relation between blood group and disease. Ann Hum Genet 1945-!955;19:251253. 14 Tyagi SP, Pradhan S. Grewal SS: Blood groups in malignant diseases. J Indian Med Assoc 1967;45:645650.

Blood Groups in Carcinoma of Cervix Uteri

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1 Alexander W: An enquiry into the distribution of the blood groups in patients suffering from malignant diseases. Br J Exp Pathol 1921 ;2: 66-69. 2 Johannsen EW: A classification of cancer patients according to their blood groups and some investiga­ tions concerning iso-hacmagglutination. APMIS 1927;4:175-197. 3 Schroder G: Bestehen Beziehungen zwischen Blutgruppe und Karzi­ nomerkrankung? Arch Geschwulst­ forsch 1955;8:230-240. 4 Segi M, Fuzisaku S, Kurihara M, Moniwa H: Cancer of cervix uteri and ABO blood groups. Tohoku J Exp Med 1957;66:50-52.

Blood groups in relation to carcinoma of cervix uteri.

Data are presented on AB0 and RhD blood groups in 186 patients suffering from carcinoma of cervix uteri and 274 controls from Delhi, India. A strong a...
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