of organic remedies of animal origin It was not until prolonged expeshown. riments proved the unreliability of the various processes for the preparation of extracts of animal organs that the "Tabloids"form was adopted for this class of medicament. The whole substance of the organ is thus secured, and the presence of the active principles assured. Clinical experiments made by leading physicians and repeatedly published, in the various medical journals, prove the reliability of these laboratory experiments. Among the better recognised 'Tabloids' of animal substance prepared by this firm, may be mentioned those of thyroid and

preparations were

thymus gland, supra-renal capsules, didymin, cerebrinine, pituitary body, pineal gland, bone medulla, ovarian, kidney and uterine wall sub-



Wellcome & Co.'s bacteriological which the application of the " " Tabloid system to animal organs was worked out, a very important discovery was made. This firm was the first in Great Britain to prepare liquid anti-diphtheritic serum for general supply to the medical profession, and as some doubt was thrown on the keeping qualities of the liquid form of this substance research was undertaken to ascertain whether the serum could not be prepared in a dry form. After the expenditure of vast sums of money a method was discovered, and once more Burroughs, Wellcome & Co. were first in the field. As the ANNUAL MUSEUM, BRITISH MEDICAL result of their investigations, the}'- now prepare ASSOCIATION. a serum of full potency and high concentration By far the most prominent exhibit at the in the form of beautiful golden non-deliquescent Annual Museum of the British Medical Asso- but soluble scales. These scales keep readily ciation, held at the Examination Hall of the much better than the old liquid serum and are Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, in the first therefore well adapted for export to the tropics, week of August, was the artistic display of and for pl^sicians who wish to keep a supply Burroughs, Wellcome & Co., of Snow Hill of the serum by them ready for emergencies. Buildings, London. Occupying as it did the In view of the proximity of another imcentral position in the central room, it arrested portant exhibit, that of Fairchild Bros. & Foster the attention of the visitor directly he entered, of New York, a little bottle in one of Burroughs, and a close inspection revealed the care with Wellcome & Co.'s cases was of great inwhich it had been arranged. This bottle contained some of the first terest. This firm has fitted out every important pancreatic extract ever made, and was exhibited British exploring expedition for many years' by Dr. George Harley at the Leeds Meeting of and it made a prominent show of the trophies the British Association for the Advancement of of these highly satisfactory outfits. The chests, Science in 1857. At this meeting the doctor etc., brought back by Stanley, by Surgeon-Major showed for the first time tliat pancreatin Parkes, by Captain Stairs, by Julius Price, by possesses within itself the digestive properties Dr. Burland, and a host of other explorers and of saliva, gastric juice and bile, being able to hunters of world-wide fame were on view. As convert starch into sugar, dissolve albuminous an instance of what this firm is capable, in the substances and emulsify fats. Unfortunately matter of compactness of medical outfits, a tiny his process for the isolation of active principles medicine chest, the smallest in the world, was was too expensive for practical work, and it was the size of a about locket and not till shown. It was many years afterwards that Dr. Fairchild contained 500 doses of medicine. A great of New York hit upon a simple, cheap and variety of "unused medicine cases and chests effective process. In order to distinguish his fitted with Tabloids of compressed drugs and preparation from the many worthless pancreatine for adapted every conceivable purpose were and pancreatic emulsions then on the market, exhibited. he gave it the distinctive name of " Zymine," The most interesting part of the section de- anl as such it has since been known, and was voted to "Tabloids" was undoubtedly that where



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exhibited at this Museum by Fairchild Bros & Foster. "Zymine" is a patent pancreatic extract containing all the active principles of the organ from whiHh it is prepared in a pure dry powder. It contains in an exceedingly active form the following ferments:?Trypsin converting albumen into peptone; diastase converting starch into dextrine and sugar. The emulsive ferment essential to the assimilation of fats and oil, and the milk curdling ferment. Pepsencia was another preparation in strong evidence at Fairchild Bros. & Foster's exhibit. This is obtained by direct maceration from the stomach of the pig and calf, and is either taken as a digestive aid diluted with water, or used for the preparation of digestive junkets.


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