



VOL 20, NO 5



By Luis J. Jara, Carlos Lavalle, Antonio Pindaro


and Autoimmune Fraga, Celso Gbmez-Sanchez,

Bernard F. Germain,

Diseases Luis H. Silveira,

and Luis R. Espinoza

Cells of the immune system synthesize prolactin and express mRNA and receptors for that hormone. lnterleukin 1, interleukin 6, y interferon, tumor necrosis factor, platelet activator factor, and substance P participate in the release of prolactin. This hormone is involved in the pathogenesis of adjuvant arthritis and restores immunocompetence in experimental models. In vitro studies suggest that lymphocytes are an important target tissue for circulating prolactin. Prolactin antibodies inhibit lymphocyte proliferation. Prolactin is comitogenic with concanavalin A and induces interleukin 2 receptors on the surface of lymphocytes. Prolactin stimulates ornithine decarboxylase and activates protein kinase C, which are pivotal enzymes in the differentiation, proliferation, and function of lymphocytes. Cyclosporine A interferes with prolactin binding to its receptors on lymphocytes. Hyperprolactinemia has been found in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Fibromyal-

gia, rheumatoid arthritis, and low back pain patients present a hyperprolactinemic response to thyrotropin-releasing hormone. Experimental autoimmune uveitis, as well as patients with uveitis whether or not associated with spondyloarthropathies, and patients with psoriatic arthritis may respond to bromocriptine treatment. Suppression of circulating prolactin by bromocriptine appears to improve the immunosuppressive effect of cyclosporine A with significantly less toxicity. Prolactin may also be a new marker of rejection in heart-transplant patients. This body of evidence may have an impact in the study of rheumatic disorders, especially connective tissue diseases. A role for prolactin in autoimmune diseases remains to be demonstrated. Copyright o 1991 by W.B. Saunders Company

From the Division of Rheumatology, Department of lntmwl DiGon of Endocrinology, Department of Internal M&c&, Universir):of South Florida College ofMedicine, Tampa, FL, and the Rheumatic Diseases Unit, Hospital de Especialidades, Centro Medico La Raza, IMSS, Mexico, DF, Mexico. Luis J. Jara, MD: Research Fellow, Division of Rheumatoloa, Department of Internal Medicine, University of South Florida College of Medicine, and Rheumatic Diseases Unit. Hospital de Especialides, Centro Medico La Raza, IMSS, Mexico; Carlos Lavalle, MD, FACP: Rheumatic Diseases Unit. Hospital de Especialidades, Centro Mexico La Raza. IMSS, Mexico; Antonio Fraga, MD, FACP: Rheumatic Diseases Unit, Hospital de Especialidades, Centro Medico La Raza. IMMS, Mexico; Celso Gbmez-SBnchez, MD: Professor of Medicine, Div&ion of Endocrinology, Department of Internal Medicine. Universitvof South Florida College of Medicine:

Luis H. Silveira, MD: Research Fellow, Do&ion of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of South Florida College of Medicine; Pindaro Martinez-Osuna, MD: Research Fellow, Division of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of South Florida College of Medicine; Bernard F. Germain, MD: Professor of Medicine, Division of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Unrversity of South Florida CoIlege of Medzcitte: Luis R. Espinoza, MD: Professor ofMedicine, Division of Rheumatology? Department of Internal Medicine. Untver.sity of South Florida College of Medicine. Address reprint requests to Luis R. Espinoza. MD, LSU Medical Center, Section of Rheumatology, 1542 Tulane Ave, New Orleans, LA 70112-2822. Copytight o 1991 by W.B. Saunders Cornpan! 0049.0172/9112005-0001$5.0010


Semw~ars ,n Arthrifjs

and Rheumatism,

INDEX WORDS: Prolactin; autoimmunity; noregulation.

Vol20. No 5 (April), 1991: pp 273.284






HE NEUROENDOCRINE and immune systems are intimately linked and involved in bidirectional communication. A complete regulatory loop between the immune and neuroendocrine systems has been postulated.’ Cells of the immune system express mRNA of adrenocorticotropic hormone, growth hormone (GH), thyroid stimulating hormone, and prolactin (PRL).’ In addition, they also synthesize these hormones3 and have receptors for all of them.4 The central nervous system cells have receptors for cytokines, ie, interleukin 1 (IL-l), and cytokines are synthesized by brain astrocytes and microglial cells.5,6 PRL has an important role in the regulation of immune function.7 It has the ability to promote cell growth and/or differentiation in several tissues and also functions as an immunostimulator.’ Hyperprolactinemia has recently been demonstrated in men and pregnant women with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Clinical observations and experimental studies suggest that PRL may be important in the pathogenesis of SLE and possibly of other autoimmune diseases.‘,” This review discusses the interactions between PRL and the immune system and its association with SLE as well as other autoimmune diseases. PRL: PHYSIOLOGIC


Prolactin activity was first recognized in 1928 when extracts of hypophysis were shown to induce milk secretion in oophorectomized rabbits.” Over 80 different actions have been ascribed to PRL in vertebrate groups ranging from fish to mammals. These include osmoregulation, growth and development, reproduction, metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids, secretion of mucins, and the more recently demonstrated effects on the immune system.‘* PRL is a single peptide chain of 198 amino acids, with a molecular weight of 23,500 d, and is a globular

Abbreviations: AA, adjuvant arthritis; AS, ankylosing spondylitis; BRC, bromocriptine; Con-A, concanavalin-A; G-A, cyclosporine A, FCA, Freund’s complete adjuvant; GH, growth hormone; NK, natural killer; ODC, ornithine decarboxylase; PAF, platelet activator factor; PKC, protein kinase C; PRL, prolactin; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus.

protein consisting of about 25% a-helix, 33% p turn, and 8% random coil.‘” Immunoreactive PRL has been found in a variety of mammalian tissues and its synthesis has been demonstrated in human chorion,” endometrium,” a few tumor cell lines,16T and B lymphocytes,‘7,‘8 and the central nervous system.19 The rate of PRL synthesis and release is modulated by a variety of hormones and stimulator-y and inhibitory factors produced in the hypothalamus. PRL release is stimulated by serotonin, thyrotropin releasing hormone, and vasoactive intestinal peptide and inhibited by dopamine, opiates, and neuroleptics.2” IL-l”,” and probably other lymphokines participate in this regulation2’ affecting brain, autonomical, and endocrine functions (Table 1). Recently it has been shown that platelet activator factor (PAF) and substance P participate in the release of PRL.24,2”PAF is now known to have a wide spectrum of biological activities, including actions on the immune system,26 and substance P activates rheumatoid synovial cells to produce prostaglandins and metalloproteinases.27 On the other hand, PAF also participates in SLE pathogenesis.” PRL AND THE IMMUNE


In 1930, Smith” noted that thymus glands of rats ceased to grow immediately after hypophysectomy and regressed to less than one half their weight as compared with controls. This study is regarded as the first to indicate the role of PRL in thymic physiology. However, only recently the relation between PRL and the immune system has been studied both in vivo




of Prolactin

the lmmunomodulator lmmunomodulator






21, 22, 23















Substance Abbreviations:

P +, enhancement:



-, suppression; IL-l, interleu-

kin 1; IL-6, interleukin 6; IFN-y, interferon-y, necrosis factor-a; PAF, platelet activating factor.

TNF-u, tumor


(experimental and in vitro.


models and clinical observation)

PRL. and Adjuvant Arthritis

In rats, Freund’s complete adjuvant (FCA) injected at the base of the tail induces an arthritic disease (adjuvant arthritis; AA) and there is a great amount of evidence suggesting that it is the result of an aberrant immune response.” Other abnormalities that may develop include balanitis, mild conjunctivitis, and uveitis. This picture is very similar to Reiter syndrome in humans.31 Nagy and Berczi reported that PRL, GH, and placental lactogen are potent in restoring the immune reactivity of hypophysectomized animals,32-34and the treatment of rats with the dopaminergic ergot alkaloid bromocriptine (BRC) inhibited the following immune reactions: contact sensitivity skin reaction to dinitrochlorobenzene, AA, experimental allergic encephalitis, and antibody formation to sheep red blood cells and bacterial lipopolysaccharide. These results suggest that BRC suppresses immunity by inhibition of PRL.35,36Neidhart and Larson studied the neuroendocrine response during FCA-induced immune stimulation, particularly the release of endogenous pituitary hormones. The activity of ornithine decarbowlase (ODC), the first enzyme involved in polyamine biosynthesis, was used in this study as a biological marker of the stimulation of different parts of the central nervous system, the pituitary gland, and lymphoid tissues following immune stimulation. The circadian rhythms of pituitary ODC activity and plasma PRL level, 3 to 4 days




among immune system, neuroendocrine system and adjuvant arthritis.


after FCA, showed that enhancement of enzymatic activity during the dark phase correlated with a marked release of PRL. These in vivo studies showed that FCA influences central nervous system pathways and lymphoid tissue (bone marrow, thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes), and supports the notion that endogenous PRL is involved in some immunologic early events that lead to the development of AA.37.38Following the injection of FCA the thymus and activated leucocytes might emit signals (ie, IL-l, IL-6, interferon, and tumor necrosis factor) to the neuroendocrine system, which are able to modify PRL secretion and other neuroregulators.39,4” These substances might modulate immune system activation and participate in the pathogenesis of AA (Fig 1). Recently, Wolar et al have shown that methylacetylenic putrescine, and inhibitor of ODC, prevents the development of collagen-induced arthritiq4’ an animal model which has many similarities to human rheumatoid arthritis (RA).42 Furthermore, this inhibition correlates with a reduction in anti-collagen II antibody. On the other hand Flescher et al presented evidence to suggest that excessive polyamines can contribute to the IL-2 deficiency found in RA. Blocking of polyamine production with inhibitors of ODC results in increased IL-2 production by RA mononuclear cells4’ Whyte and Williams administered BRC to arthritic mice immediately postpartum, and found that the drug suppressed the clinical exacerbation of collagen-induced arthritis.44 T lymphocytes are known to be involved in the pathogenesis of collagen-induced arthritis.45 It is possible that


the ability of T lymphocytes to respond to antigenic stimulation may be mediated by PRL through the interaction with ODC activity, leading to an excessive polyamine production and IL-2 deficiency. In this regard, recently, YuLee* has shown that ODC mRNA levels and various growth-related genes in cultured T-cells (Nb2 T lymphoma cells) are stimulated by PRL. PRL and Lymphocyte Function

Bernton et al in 1988 examined the T celldependent induction of activated tumoricidal macrophages in mice infected with either Mycobacterium bovis (strain BCG) or Listeria monocytogenes (LM) or inoculated with killed Propionibactetium acnes (PA). In this study, mice were treated with BRC and such treatment prevented T-cell dependent induction of macrophage tumoricidal activity after the intraperitoneal injection with either BCG, LM, or PA. Concomitant treatment with bovine PRL reversed this effect. Of the multiple events leading to macrophage activation in vivo, the production by T lymphocytes of y-interferon was the most impaired in BRC-treated mice. The critical influence of pituitary PRL release on maintenance of lymphocyte function and on lymphokine-dependent macrophage activation suggests that in mice lymphocytes are an important target tissue for circulating PRL.47 In studies designed to evaluate the in vitro effects of exogenous PRL on lymphocyte proliferation with serum-free and serum supplemented media, Hartmann et a14”were unable to find conditions where the addition of PRL to either culture system significantly affected proliferative responses. Surprisingly, when antisera to PRL were added to neutralize PRL (as a negative control) a profound inhibition of cell proliferation resulted. Antibodies to other pituitary hormones did not have any effect. Such inhibition appears specific for both murine and human growth factor-dependent cells and involved failure of anti-PRL treated lymphoid cells to respond to growth factors, as opposed to altered production of autocrine growth factors, namely IL-2 and IL-4. Thus, antibodies to PRL appear to block an event occurring in the Gl to S phase transition of these cell lines that constitutively express growth factor receptors. Collectively, these data indicate that lymphocytes


synthesize a cross-immunoreactive PRL-like protein (ir-PRL) and that ir-PRL is required for normal proliferation in response to mitogen or growth factors. Recent evidence supports a role for PRL in the mitogenesis of T lymphocytes. At suboptima1 concentrations of concanavalin-A (Con-A), the addition of rat PRL to murine splenocytes resulted in a dose-dependent increase in mitogenesis.17 Therefore, PRL is comitogenic with Con-A. In this sense, Mukherjee et a149have shown recently that PRL induces IL-2 receptors on the surface of lymphocytes in vitro. Splenocytes from rats incubated in the presence of PRL responded to synthetic IL-2 by dividing. Preincubation of PRL with PRL antiserum markedly reduced the subsequent incorporation levels of radiolabeled thymidine, whereas preincubation with GH antiserum was without effect. The IL-Zinduced proliferative response of PRL-treated lymphocytes implied that PRL induced IL-2 receptors on the cell surface. This was confirmed directly by flow cytometric analysis of PRL-treated lymphocytes stained with an antirat IL-2 receptor (anti-TAC) antibody. While these data offer little insight into an understanding of the mechanism(s) by which PRL might exert its IL-2 effect, this finding shows that PRL by itself is mitogenic. PRL,: A New Cytokine (?)

PRL has been shown to be a mitogenic agent for Nb2 T lymphoma cells. Shiu et a150demonstrated that these cells possess receptors that bind only PRL. In 1983, Russell et al showed that cyclosporine, an immunosuppresssive agent used in human organ transplantation5’ and recently in autoimmune diseases,” blocks PRLstimulated ODC activity in lymphocyte-containing tissues of the rat such as the thymus and spleen.53 The induction of increased ODC activity is an integral event regulating lymphocyte differentiation, proliferation, and function.” Subsequently, Russell et al reported the presence of PRL receptors on T, B, and monocytic cells of human peripheral blood and spIeen,5i.56 the estimated receptor number was 360 per cell. The specific binding of PRL to lymphocytes can be enhanced or blocked by cyclosporine depending on the concentration of the drug. Administration of cyclosporine A (Cs-A) also rapidly




increased the serum PRL level in rats fourfold as compared with the control values within 1 hour of injection; such elevation could be blocked by BRC. This study suggests a role for PRL in the mechanism(s) of the immunosuppressive action of Cs-A. The discovery of PRL receptors on T and B lymphocytes suggested that immunomodulation by PRL was a primary response to the hormone and opened the door to exploration of the ability of PRL to directly affect cells of the immune system. It is known that these cells as well as many others have specific receptors for PRL (Table 2). In 1986, Hiestand et a15’provided evidence for the involvement of PRL in the maintenance of T cell immune competence. Their data showed that a reduction of serum PRL levels by BRC led to a decrease of lymphocyte responsiveness toward antigenic stimulation in rats. This phenomenon was observed both in vitro (mixed lymphocyte reaction) and, more importantly, in vivo (graft v host reaction). Dot blot hybridization showed that cytoplasmic RNA (mRNA) from lymphocytes hybridized with both PRL and GH cDNA probes. This study suggests that the ability of T lymphocytes to respond fully to antigenic stimulation may depend on the presence of PRL of pituitary origin bound to receptors on their outer membrane. On presentation of antigen these lymphocytes then produce a secondary signal in the form of a PRL/GH-

related polypeptide that can amplify either the response of the same cell to produce lymphokines (autocrine action) or the mitogenic response of neighboring lymphocytes (exocrine action), or both. Binding of antigens or mitogens to their cell surface receptors induces a secondary signal. In the same way as other immunomodulators, PRL can amplify the response of immune cells.5x In 1987, Montgomery et al” showed that lymphocytes may produce a PRL-like protein, In this study the cell subset(s) responsible for the production of this PRL-like molecule was not identified. However, Con-A is a T cellspecific mitogen and the production of PRL bioactivity paralells the course of Con-Ainduced proliferation, suggesting that this PRLlike factor is produced by this lymphocyte subset. The PRL-like material has a molecular mass of 46 kd, different from that of the anterior pituitary PRL entity in mice, which is 24 kd, and it has a peptide map homology similar to murine pituitary PRL. Di Mattia et al and Gellersen et al’x.sshave shown that PRL is synthesized by a human B-lymphoblastoid cell line (IM-9-P) and is indistinguishable from pituitary human PRL. These authors also demonstrate that PRL secretion in this line is regulated by dexamethasone but not by other hormones known to modulate PRL secretion in the pituitary or decidua. The proliferative action of PRL on T lymphocytes may be a complex interaction between two

Table 2: Prolactin Receptors in the Cells of the Immune System and in Some Tissues I. Immune

IV. Others:








natural killer cells

liver skeletal muscle

II. Endocrine





lung erythrocyte aorta

pancreas (islets of Langerhans)




(T-cell derived) (mast cells?)

testis mammary Ill. Centralnervous

glands system:

brain Adapted from Russell DH. New aspects of prolactin and immunity: A lymphocyte-derived kinase C activation. Trends Pharmacol Sci 1989;10:40-44

prolactin-like product and nuclear protein



factors: the level of circulating PRL from the anterior pituitary (endocrine action), and the ability of activated T and B cells to divide and produce a PRL-like factor with possible autocrine (on the same cell that produces them) and paracrine (on neighboring cells) actions. So far, the lymphocyte PRL-like substance appears to be a novel PRL variant and a new cytokine.

nucleus suggests that unoccupied PRL receptors are present in isolated nuclei. The implications of this study are important for our understanding of the nuclear function of polypeptide hormones such as PRL and its interaction with the immune system, ie, it is possible that PRL induction of IL-2-R on rat splenic lymphocytes might be explained by PKC activation.

PRL and Protein Kinase C

PRL. and Natural Killer Cells

The mitogenic activation of resting T lymphocytes involves two distinct cellular events: the synthesis of IL-2 and the synthesis and expression of IL-2 receptors. It is therefore significant that an immediate consequence of T cell activation is the phosphorylation of a wide range of proteins on serine (Ser), threonine (Thr), and tyrosine (Tyr) residues.60 Briefly, when antigen interacts with T-cell receptors (or when mitogens such as phytohemagglutinin or Con-A interact with T cell plasma membrane receptors) the following cascade of molecular events is thought to occur. Phospholipase C in the endoplasmic reticulum is activated, which in turn increases phosphoinositol turnover to produce diacylglycerol and inositol triphosphate. The latter stimulates the release of bound calcium from the endoplasmic reticulum to produce an increase in the concentration of cytosolic-free calcium. The increased free calcium activates calmodulin which, together with diacylglycerol, activates protein kinase C (PKC), a crucial enzyme in the regulation of cellular function and growth including the cells of the immune system.61 Evidence from a number of cell types and tissues, such as vascular smooth muscle,6’ suggests that the intracellular action of PRL involves the activation of PKC. Also, Buckley et aVj3have found that addition of PRL to purified rat liver nuclei and splenocyte nuclei results in a rapid activation by several 100-fold of PKC. This dose-dependent effect was blocked by a rat anti-PRL-receptor monoclonal antibody and by anti-PRL antiserum. The time course (3 minutes) for PRL activation of PKC in splenic nuclei is similar to that reported for antibodies directed against Ia and immunoglobulin antigens and for CAMP on nuclear PKC activity in intact murine B lymphocytes.64 The observation of receptor-mediated activation of PKC in the

Forni et al”’ in 1983 demonstrated that destruction of the tubero-infundibular region of the hypothalamus led to a persistently abrogated natural killer (NK) activity in mice. These observations suggest that neuroendocrine mechanisms play a relevant role in the control of NK activity. Gerli et alhhin 1986 studied human NK cell activity in 11 BRC-treated and 23 untreated hyperprolactinemic women and in 63 agematched healthy women using a “Cr-release assay. NK cell activity was significantly reduced in untreated hyperprolactinemic patients with respect to normal subjects, but therapy with BRC restored NK cell function of patients to the levels of normal controls, suggesting that hyperprolactinemia is also immunosuppressive. However, Matera et al” studied the functional state of native NK cells in a large group of patients with hyperprolactinemia of functional or tumoral origins with no radiological demonstration of hypothalamic damage and their results showed that the NK activity from patients with hyperprolactinemia is not different from that of normal subjects. Alarc&-Segovia et al have found decreased NK function in hyperprolactinemia (personal communication, 1986). Recently, Matera et aY have shown that highly purified NK cells express binding sites for PRL (660 receptors per cell). At concentrations corresponding to the therapeutic range, Cs-A induced a complete inhibition of PRL binding. By contrast, very low concentrations increased PRL binding to more than 100% of control levels. These data strongly support the idea of a close relation between PRL and NK cell lineage in humans. PROLACTIN,



There are a number of observations in humans that may indicate that PRL does indeed influence the immune system in both health and



disease. Thyroid autoimmunity was evaluated in 92 hyperprolactinemic patients, 4 of whom had acromegaly. High titers of thyroglobulin and microsomal antibodies were found in 1 acromegalic and in 12 women with either adenomatous or idiopathic hyperprolactinemia.h4 Ishibashi and Yamaji”’ examined antithyroid antibodies in sera from 73 erythroid patients with prolactinoma and 40 patients with acromegaly. Statistical analysis showed that the occurrence of both positive antimicrosomal antibody and antithyroglobulin antibody was significantly higher in prolactinoma women than in normal and in acromegalic women. In five women, both antibodies disappeared after BRC therapy and six of nine prolactinoma patients had a higher B cell population. These results suggest that hyperprolactinemia is associated with a higher incidence of positive antithyroid antibodies, which may be consequent to nonspecific stimulation by PRL of B lymphocyte function. Vidaller et al, ” in 1986 studied the function of peripheral blood lymphocytes from four patients with tumoral hyperprolactinemia and normal ovarian function before and after PRL levels were normalized by treatment with BRC. Lymphocytc responses were suppressed to Con-A or pokeweed mitogen and to a lesser extent to phytohemagglutinin. The spontaneous Con-A induced suppression and production of IL-2 was low in two patients and was increased after drug treatment. All these findings give insight on the immunomodulatory role of PRL in vivo. Some of these abnormalities, such as B lymphocyte stimulation, with overproduction of antibodies, decreased response to mitogens and lowered suppression and production of IL-2, have been demonstrated in SLE patients.7’.71 PRL also was measured in 13 untreated and 42 treated patients suffering from celiac disease. Increased PRL values were found in four of the five untreated men, whereas the eight untreated women had normal levels. PRL was elevated in all 35 patients responding favorably to a glutenfree diet. In contrast. significantly lower PRL levels were found in seven patients not responding to the diet.” In 1987, Lavalle et al” described increased basal levels of serum PRL in men with SLE. Serum PRL levels were above normal limits in seven of eight patients studied (P < .Ol). It is of


interest that chloroquine, a drug used in the treatment of SLE, inhibits PRL secretion from cultured anterior pituitary cells,‘5 was used in the one patient with normal serum PRL levels. Recently, the same group, studied nine women (five active and four inactive) with SLE during pregnancy. Patients with SLE showed hyperprolactinemia in comparison with normal pregnancy (Table 3) and the five active SLE patients had the highest levels of PRL.“’ Both studies open the possibility that PRL can participate in SLE immunopathogenesis and offer a link between basic studies that support a direct role of PRL in the humoral and cell mediated immune response and clinical observations of SLE patients. In this regard, the recent observations about a patient with refractory neuropsychiatric SLE treated successfully with BRC and intravenous immunoglobulin,7h and the finding that BRC decreases early mortality in female NZB/B mice, are of note.77 Primary fibromyalgia and RA have been studied in relation with diurnal hormone variation of plasma cortisol, GH, PRL. and thyroidstimulating hormone.” Patients with fibromyalgia syndrome had loss of diurnal variation in plasma cortisol compared with RA patients. Serum PRL, GH, and thyroid-stimulating hormone levels were within normal limits and demonstrated expected diurnal variations. However, Ferraccioli ct al reported that a subset of fibromyalgia, RA and low-back pain patients, entities characterized by persistent pain, present several endocrinological abnormalities, namely cortisol nonsuppression to dexamethasone and a hyperprolactinemic response to thyrotropinreleasing hormone.“’ These studies support the hypothesis that chronic pain and stress are important determinants of neuroendocrinologic abnormalities. In regard to PRL and RA, these




in Pregnant

SLE Patients

Prolactin (ng/mL) Weeks



127 2 41




119 2 26

191 t 48*


166 k 12

262 rt 55*

Adaptedfrom *P < .Ol


Patients -___ 81 244 168 2 41*


results also support the notion of a close relation between the neuroendocrine and immune systems. In 1985, Hedner and Bynke reported four patients with endogenous iridocyclitis treated with BRC for hyperprolactinemia, galactorrhea, and Parkinson disease and found alleviation of the iridocyclitis.8” Of interest three of these patients had spondyloarthopathies: two with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and one with Reiter syndrome. Recently, ovarian function was studied in women with AS and PRL level was found normal in all 17 patients.81 The levels of PRL in Reiter syndrome, psoriatic arthritis, and other reactive arthritides are unknown. Determination of PRL values in these disorders is of interest because in AA, an excellent model of reactive arthritis3’ several studies have shown hyperprolactinemia.” Palestine et al demonstrated the effect of PRL suppression by BRC in combination with lower doses of Cs-A on experimental autoimmune uveitis.82 BRC plus low-dose Cs-A led to marked decreases in the incidence of experimental autoimmune uveitis and anti-S antigen antibody titers as well as in the lymphocyte proliferative assay. This study suggests that BRC can enhance the immunosuppression of low-dose Cs-A and supports the idea that PRL has a role in the immunosuppresive action of CS-A.‘~ Recently, the same group” demonstrated that the administration of Cs-A, Cs-A plus BRC, or BRC, results in down regulation of antinuclear autoantibody levels of PRL in patients with uveitis. The levels of PRL were determined in these patients and the mean serum prolactin level was 5.4 ngimL. After therapy with BRC, the mean serum prolactin level was less than 2.0 ng/mL in all patients.84 Dougados et alX5investigated the effect of BRC in 6 of the 12 Cs-Atreated RA patients previously reported. The addition of BRC did not potentiate Cs-A efficacy since no significant clinical improvement was observed and there was no reduction in Cs-A daily dosage, except in one patient. The small number of patients studied, however, and the low BRC dosage used preclude any definite conclusion. In contrast, of 35 psoriatic arthritis patients who were systematically treated with increasing doses of BRC, starting at 2.5 mg up to 30 mg per day, significant remission was observed in 77%.8h Larson et al, and Carrier et a18’-“”proposed


PRL as a new marker of rejection in hearttransplant patients. This marker seems a particularly useful predictor because its plasma concentration increased between 2 and 8 days before rejection episodes. In support of this idea, Wilner et al” studied the effect of hypoprolactinemia induced by a new drug, CQP 201403, a dopamine agonist, on the survival of heterotopic cardiac allografts and the ability of peripheral blood lymphocytes to respond in vitro to plant mitogens. CQP treatment greatly enhanced the immunosuppressive effect of Cs-A on graft survival and on in vitro lymphocyte function. The authors concluded that modulation by PRL may be a useful adjunct to Cs-A immunosuppression. Suppression of circulating PRL levels with BRC also improved the immunosuppressive effect of Cs-A, thereby lowering the frequency of early acute rejection as well as infection after cardiac transplantation.” CONCLUSIONS


The studies reviewed here support a link between PRL, the immune system, and autoimmune diseases. The implications of this link are numerous, ranging from understanding pathophysiologic mechanisms to developing new clinical therapies. The main findings can be summarized as follows. (1) Cells of the immune system can synthesize PRL and other biologically active neuroendocrine peptide hormones. (2) PRL receptors are present on normal T, B, NK-cells and on monocytes. (3) PRL play a role in the development of adjuvant arthritis and restores immunocompetence in experimental models. (4) In vitro lymphocyte functions are decreased in hypoprolactinemia and are restored by PRL. (5) PRL stimulates ODC and thereby polyamine synthesis in many tissues, including tissues of the immune system. (6) PRL can activate PKC, a pivotal enzyme in many cellular functions and cell growth regulation, including the immune system. (7) Cs-A interferes with PRL binding to its receptors on lymphocytes. (8) Hyperprolactinemia has been shown in a subset of SLE patients. (9) Experimental autoimmune uveitis and patients with uveitis, whether or not associated with spondyloarthropathies, may respond to BRC. This drug has been used successfully in psoriatic arthritis patients and in a single patient with SLE. (10) Suppression of circulating PRL by BRC appears to improve the




immunosuppressive effect of Cs-A with significantly less toxicity. The evidence accumulated may have an impact in the study of rheumatic disorders, especially in connective tissue diseases. In this regard, a number of pertinent questions emerge. (1) What is the prevalence of hyperprolactinemia in patients with connective tissue diseases? (2) What is the relation among altered PRL levels, clinical activity, and expression of immune response, ie, antinuclear antibodies? (3) Is there an abnormality in immune cells PRLreceptors, as well as in the synthesis and secretion of PRL by T and B lymphocytes, of these patients? Does PRL influence receptors and synthesis of lymphokines of SLE patients? (4) Does PRL alter proliferation of SLE patients lymphocytes? (5) Is the response to PRL modified in patients with reactive arthritis and uveitis. in a similar way to that seen in AA? (6) Is the combination of low-dose Cs-A plus BRC useful in the treatment of these diseases? (7) What is the role of hyperprolactinemia in clinical reactivation of SLE-pregnancy? We believe the interaction between the immune and neuroendocrine systems is altered in patients with autoimmune diseases. The immune system fails to discriminate appropriately between self- and non-self-antigens, consequently generating both specific and nonspecific responses against the antigens. Lymphokines and other stimulators are necessary to activate self-reactive T cells. In this context, immunologic signals (ie, IL-1 and other immunomodulators) can directly affect the neuroendocrine

system, by their receptors, and produce the release of hormones (ie, PRL, neurotransmitters, or growth factors). These neuroregulators exert direct influences over immunological functions also by their receptors on T and B lymphocytes; therefore, hyperactive cells of the immune system produce more neuro and immunomodulators and complete a two-way humoral interaction between the immune and neuroendocrine systems. A combination of cytokines and neuromodulators may function in an additive, synergistic, or antagonistic manner on the immune-neuroendocrine system. This in-vivo activation signal leads to hyperactivity of B lymphocytes and exhausts the T cells, so they appear activated by cell surface markers although they are functionally depressed, and as a consequence they have an abnormal production of lymphokines. On the other hand, the neuroendocrine axis may have a defective response to inflammatory stimuli and contribute to the susceptibility to autoimmune diseases. In support of this concept, Sternberg et al have shown that Lewis strain rats have a defective hypothalamic response to inflammatory stimuli, resulting in a blunted corticosterone response from the adrenal gland.“’ The defect appears to lie in the regulation of synthesis of mRNA for corticotropin-releasing hormone.q3 New ideas and investigations for further confirmation of these studies are necessary, but regardless of their results, interaction between the neuroendocrine and immune systems will have a major impact on our understanding of the physiology, diagnosis, and therapy of connective tissue diseases.

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Prolactin, immunoregulation, and autoimmune diseases.

Cells of the immune system synthesize prolactin and express mRNA and receptors for that hormone. Interleukin 1, interleukin 6, gamma interferon, tumor...
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