
Farbkodierte Dopplersonographie der Vertebralarterien. Vergleich mit der konventionellen Duplexsonographie Em Bartels

C olor Coded Doppler lrn aglng of Vertehral Arteri es - Com par iso n \Vith C onventional Duplex Ult r aso nogra p h)' In 60 pati e nts the verte bra l arte ries were investigated to dete rm ine whether co lo r Do ppler imagin g has ad va ntages over co nve ntio na l d uplex ult ra son og ra phy. T he vertebral ar tery was ea sily iden ti fied in the midcc rvical course (V I- V2 seg ment) w ith bot h method s . Visuali zat ion at the atlas loop (V3 seg ment) was rarely success ful with duplex scanning. however. co lor Dopp ler imagin g enabled goo d documcnunion ofvertebral artery n ow in X7% on the right and in X5 %1 o n the left side. Co lor Do p pler imag ing provided better evaluation o f th e vertebra l o rig in (V O seg me nt ). Althoug h visualizati on of thc ostium w ith d uplex sca n ning wa s mor e d iff icu lt a nd t ime co nsum ing , it wa s po ssible in XO% o n th e righ t and in 65 l agnosl;\.; uuch im Bereich dcr Vcrtcbrulurtcncn.

Dieses Dokument wurde zum persönlichen Gebrauch heruntergeladen. Vervielfältigung nur mit Zustimmung des Verlages.


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Abb. Be Frag ment arischer Na chw eis der A. ve rte bratis im dt stalen Halsabsch nitt mi t Hitfe des Farbsiqnats be i FOllung des GetaBes Obe r zervikale Kollateralen . f DSA des Aortenbogens m it Dar st ellung des Verteb ralisverschlusses link s. 9 DSA im distalen Halsabschnitt. Die A. vertebrali s wi rd Ober die zervikale n Kcltateraten wieder gefUlit .


Da nk sagung

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Ilcrm K. Kr ischock mo chtcn wrr fiir die I lcrstcllung dcr A bhildun gsvo rtagcn dank cn .

Literatu r :.:..::..:.--


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19\)1 (PI' . 2 .n ~2 -1 () )


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[Color coded Doppler sonography of the vertebral arteries. Comparison with conventional duplex sonography].

In 60 patients the vertebral arteries were investigated to determine whether color Doppler imaging has advantages over conventional duplex ultrasonogr...
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